The effect of in vivo administration of exogenous tumor necrosis facto
r-alpha on the survival of rat islet xenografts in STZ-induced diabeti
c mice was examined. Daily subcutaneous injections of purified recombi
nant murine TNF-alpha (3 mug/day) for 7 days after transplantation of
islets prolonged the survival of the xenografts (26.7 +/- 4.9 days) co
mpared with controls (11.2 +/- 1.1 days). Extension of the treatment f
rom 0 to 59 days after transplantation produced an even greater prolon
gation of graft survival (53.7 +/- 8.5 days). After cessation of treat
ment, an accelerated rejection of the grafts occurred. A most interest
ing finding was that delaying initiation of treatment until 3 days aft
er transplantation and continuing until 60 days produced a remarkable
prolongation of xenograft survival (mean survival time >89.8 +/- 17.5
days) with 2 recipients still normoglycemic at 124 days. Removal of th
e grafts at this time returned the 2 mice to a diabetic state. A secon
d islet transplant from the same donor rat strain (Wistar-Furth) had a
n accelerated rejection, indicating that the long-term survival of the
xenografts was not because of induction of tolerance. Delaying initia
tion of TNF treatment until 6 days after transplantation produced only
a slight prolongation of survival (17.5 +/- 1.2 days). Prolongation o
f islet xenograft survival also was obtained by continuous, subcutaneo
us delivery of TNF-alpha by a 7-day miniosmotic pump (3 mug/day). Lowe
r daily doses of TNF-alpha (0.003, 0.3, and 1.0 mug) had no effect on
graft survival. The findings indicate that daily subcutaneous injectio
ns of TNF-alpha will prevent rejection of rat islet xenografts, and if
treatment is initiated early in the rejection process (3 days), then
marked prolongation of survival continues even after cessation of trea
tment with TNF-alpha.