Intramolecular dissipation has recently been invoked by Schlag, Grotem
eyer and Levine to interpret dynamical processes in highly excited lar
ge molecules. In such problems there is diffusive motion in the presen
ce of a potential. In addition, there are two (or more) reaction proce
sses which proceed at a finite rate. We present the solution of the Sm
oluchowski equation for the yields (branching fractions) of the reacti
ons and consider its various limiting forms. When reaction is much fas
ter than diffusion, the result of Schlag et al. is recovered. In the o
pposite limit the reaction yield corresponds to that obtained from a s
imple kinetic scheme. The two limiting forms also correspond to ''kine
tic control'' and ''thermodynamic control'' of physical organic chemis
try. The derivation is equally valid if the source of dissipation is i