Nutrient enrichment bioassays (NB) with natural phytoplankton communit
ies were used in Lake Apopka, a hypereutrophic lake in Florida, to det
ermine growth-limiting nutrients in 20 monthly experiments conducted f
rom December 1989 through June 1991. A 2 x 2 factorial design with nit
rogen (N) and phosphorus (P) was employed in experiments conducted und
er laboratory conditions. In 19 of the 20 experiments, N was either th
e primary limiting nutrient or co-limiting with P. P was the primary l
imiting nutrient in only one experiment. We conclude that N is the pri
mary limiting nutrient because the water of Lake Apopka generally cont
ains large supplies of P in the form of polyphosphate that can be util
ized for phytoplankton growth when the water is enriched with N. Becau
se the lake has high standing crops of phytoplankton (average chloroph
yll-a of 100 mug/L) and total P concentrations (200 mug P/L), it also
must be concluded that N limitation of phytoplankton production in Lak
e Apopka is the result of excessive P loading to the lake.