The effect of eye plaque materials (gold backing and silastic seed-car
rier insert) on the dose distribution around a single I-125 seed has b
een measured, using cubic lithium fluoride thermoluminescent dosimeter
s (TLDs) 1 mm on an edge, in a solid water eye phantom embedded in a s
olid water head phantom. With an I-125 seed (model 6711) positioned in
the center slot of the silastic insert for a 20-mm plaque of the desi
gn used in the collaborative ocular melanoma study (COMS), dose was me
asured at 2-mm intervals along the plaque central axis (the seed's tra
nsverse axis) and at various off-axis points, both with and without th
e COMS gold backing placed over the insert. Monte Carlo calculations (
MORSE code) were performed, as well, for these configurations and clos
ely the same geometry but assuming a large natural water phantom. Addi
tional Monte Carlo calculations treated the case, both for 20- and 12-
mm gold plaques, where the silastic insert is replaced by natural wate
r. Relative to previous measurements taken in homogeneous medium of th
e same material (without the eye plaque), the dose reduction found by
both Monte Carlo and TLD methods was greater at points farther from th
e seed along the central axis and, for a given central-axis depth, at
larger off-axis distances. Removal of the gold backing from the plaque
did not make measurable difference in the dose reduction results (10%
at 1 cm).