Applications of thin-layer chromatography/mass spectrometry are expand
ing rapidly due to commercial availability of the devices, and improve
d understanding of the procedures required to measure good quality mas
s spectrometric data. Several of the common approaches to TLC/MS coupl
ing are pursued in our laboratory; recent focus has been on techniques
of sample preparation and plate treatment that allow direct TLC/MS an
alysis to be completed on almost any instrument. Specific examples to
be covered are the direct derivatization of alkaloid samples on Empore
TLC plates for volatilization into an electron/chemical ionization so
urce, development and concentration of thin-film fluorescent dyes for
analysis by liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry (LSIMS), and the us
e of a CCD-based imaging system to explore the integration of optical
and mass spectrometric information for the characterization of samples
separated by thin layer chromatography.