The involvement of K+ on the volume regulatory process in astrocytes w
as investigated by characterizing the hyposmolarity-induced efflux of
K+ using Rb-86 as a tracer. About 70 and 30% of the intracellular cont
ent of Rb-86 was released after reductions in osmolarity from 320 to 1
60 or 220 mosM, respectively, during the time in which cells exhibit a
volume regulatory response subsequent to swelling. No significant inc
rease in Rb-86 efflux was observed with lower reductions in osmolarity
. The Rb-86 efflux was Ca2+ independent and insensitive to temperature
. It was inhibited by furosemide but not by bumetanide and was unaffec
ted when nitrate, but not gluconate, replaced intracellular Cl-. The e
fflux was markedly inhibited by quinidine and by 4,4'-diisothiocyanost
ilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid. Quinidine also prevented the volume regul
atory decrease of cells, and this effect was overcome when a large cat
ion permeability was imposed by gramicidine. In isosmotic conditions R
b-86 efflux was not activated by N-ethylmaleimide, but this drug stron
gly inhibited the hyposmolarity-activated release. These findings sugg
est that Rb-86 efflux from astrocytes associated to cell swelling is n
ot mediated by an electroneutral cotransporter and rather favor the im
plication of a conductive exit pathway that may be a Ca2+-independent
K+ channel.