Mucosal ornithine decarboxylase activity and polyamine content has bee
n proposed as a Possible marker for malignant potential in gastrointes
tinal mucosa. Polyamine content and histological findings were examine
d in 107 pairs of endoscopic biopsy specimens taken from gastric fundu
s, fundic and specialised Barrett's oesophagus and Barrett's adenocarc
inoma. The content of putrescine (median nmol/mg protein, range) the p
rimary product of ornithine decarboxylase showed a progressive increas
e from gastric fundus (0.41, 0.15-1-5); fundic (0.45, 0.01-4.08); spec
ialised Barrett's oesophagus (0-54, 0.01-2.0); dysplastic columnar lin
ed oesophagus (0.56, 0.31-3.1) to adenocarcinoma (1.23, 0.29-8.98). Ad
enocarcinoma putrescine content was significantly greater than gastric
fundus (p<0.018) and fundic (p<0.03). Mucosal spermine, spermidine, a
nd total polyamine values were greater in gastric fundus than fundic,
specialised Barrett's oesophagus, and dysplastic columnar lined oesoph
agus (all p<0.001) suggesting failure to further metabolise putrescine
to its higher polyamines in the metaplastic epithelium. Although meta
plastic columnar lined oesophagus shows significant differences in pol
yamine metabolic activity from the stomach the important distinction b
etween specialised and dysplastic columnar lined oesophagus cannot be
made by measuring the polyamine content.