Earlier studies have reported that faecal pH is more alkaline in patie
nts with colonic cancer, indicating a reduction in colonic carbohydrat
e fermentation to organic acids. The pH of faeces from 11 pre and 14 p
ostoperative, selected colonic cancer patients without intestinal obst
ruction, major loss of appetite or weight, not treated with antibiotic
s, and without signs of dissemination or recurrence of the cancer, did
not differ, however, from faecal pH in 17 patients with previous colo
nic adenomas removed by polypectomy and faecal pH in 17 age matched (m
ean 61 years) healthy controls (mean (SE) 7.03 (0.10), 7.15 (0.11), 7.
20 (0.12), 7.11 (0.12) respectively; p=0.82). Faecal pH in 20 younger
(mean 32 years) healthy controls tended to be lower (6.89 (0-07) compa
red with the older age matched control group (p<0.06). Faecal concentr
ations of D-, L- or total D+L-lactate did not differ between the patie
nts with present or previous colonic cancer, adenomas, and the healthy
controls (D+L-lactate mean (SE) 3-2 (0-5),3-1 (0.3), 3.5 (0.7), 4.1 (
1.0) mmol/l respectively; p=0.72), and the production pattern of lacta
te from different carbohydrates (glucose and dietary fibre) in 16.6% f
aecal homogenates was similar in all the three groups of patients and
the healthy controls. Faecal pH was changed within days by modificatio
ns of the diet. An enteral diet free of fibre, starch, and lactose inc
reased faecal pH within three days, whereas pH decreased when the colo
nic load of carbohydrates was increased by lactulose. Therefore, the r
eported alkaline faecal pH in patients with colonic cancer may reflect
short term reductions in dietary intake and colonic fermentation seco
ndary to the presence of the cancer, especially in patients with advan
ced disease, rather than long term differences in the precancer dietar
y habits.