Study objective. The present study was conducted to determine the effe
cts of applying different fat reduction strategies to the overall nutr
ient profile of diets for preschool-age children. Design. Computer mod
eling techniques were used to modify the diets of children (ages 2 thr
ough 3 and 4 through 5 years old) to meet contemporary dietary recomme
ndations (<30% of calories from total fat, <10% from saturated fatty a
cids, and <300 mg of cholesterol daily). Fat reduction strategies were
applied to a 1-week menu that included preschoolers' favorite foods.
Strategies applied were replacing high-fat meat exchanges with lean me
at exchanges (+/- three high-fat meat exchanges per week), replacing h
igher fat milks with skim milk, replacing high-fat meat exchanges with
medium-fat meat exchanges, using fat-modified products, using low-fat
preparation techniques, and added fat. All diets were made isocaloric
after modifications were applied. Results. It is more difficult to me
et all recommendations for the 2- and 3-year-old children. Use of skim
milk is the simplest strategy to use for the 4- and 5-year-old childr
en, although other single strategies are effective. Conclusions. When
multiple strategies are effected. some diets are very low in fat (<20%
of calories) and potentially inadequate in energy and nutrients. It i
s important that caregivers know the appropriate foods to choose when
modifying fat in children's diets to ensure meeting energy and nutrien
t requirements.