Monthly mean brightness temperature anomalies derived from channel 2 o
f the microwave sounding units (MSUs) on board NOAA satellites over th
e past decade are examined and compared with both weighted and pressur
e-level ECMWF monthly mean temperatures for the 96 months of 1982-89.
Very good agreement between the MSU and channel 2 weighted ECMWF anoma
lies is found over most of the globe with correlation coefficients ove
r 0.9, but the agreement falls off over the tropics, the South Atlanti
c, and high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. The ECMWF analyses a
gree best with the MSU data in regions of good radiosonde coverage, wh
ile lower correlations are found in regions where the analyses depend
more heavily on satellite data. Systematic errors introduced into the
analyses by the retrieval techniques applied to the radiance data larg
ely explain this apparent contradiction. Additionally, changes to the
analysis-forecast system at ECMWF over the decade appear as apparent c
hanges in climate, and these discontinuities most strongly affect the
tropics and are evident in regions of fewer observations. To the exten
t that the weighted ECMWF data agree with the MSU brightness temperatu
res the vertical dependence of the MSU data can be examined. Correlati
ons of the MSU data with ECMWF temperature anomalies at individual pre
ssure levels are highest at 300 mb over the globe, a level apparently
least affected by the frequent changes and improvements at ECMWF. Over
regions of good data coverage, such as the Northern Hemisphere landma
sses and Australia, the MSU anomalies correlate very highly with all l
evels of the troposphere up to 200 mb. Thus, the MSUs appear to be an
extremely useful tool for measuring global tropospheric temperature fl
uctuations on a monthly and longer time scale. Problems in the ECMWF t
emperature record since 1982 are examined in detail for the tropics. I
n September 1982 the introduction of diabatic nonlinear normal-mode in
itialization resulted in significant temperature increases in the trop
ical middle troposphere, especially at 500 mb. In May 1985 tropical te
mperatures at 700 mb (850 mb) increased (decreased) after the implemen
tation of the T106 spectral model with major accompanying changes to p
hysical parameterizations. Tropical temperatures near the tropopause d
ecreased substantially after the May 1986 enhancement of the vertical
resolution of the model from 16 to 19 levels with 3 new stratospheric
levels. Problems at 1000 mb are present throughout the 96-month study
period and are directly related to the manner in which analyzed temper
atures are obtained at ECMWF. Comparisons with temperatures obtained f
rom radiosonde stations in the tropics show that the ECMWF analyses ha
ve clearly improved with time, especially after May 1985 after which t
he 1000-200-mb temperatures show much greater coherence. These results
show the importance of realizing the inherent problems with operation
ally based gridded datasets, and they strongly support the need for re
analysis of all data using a state-of-the-art four-dimensional data as
similation system.