Based on incident cases of small intestinal cancers in the four wester
n Canadian provinces reported in the population-based cancer registrie
s of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba we evaluated
the descriptive epidemiological characteristics such as age, sex and
subsite distribution of adenocarcinomas, carcinoids, lymphomas and sar
comas for the period 1975-1989. The distribution of adenocarcinomas, c
arcinoids and lymphomas presented a clear trend along the length of th
e small bowel. Most of the adenocarcinomas (54.7%) occurred in the duo
denum and their relative frequency decreased in aboral direction: 29.9
% in the jejunum and 16.0% in the ileum. The carcinoids showed an oppo
site trend, an increasing relative frequency in aboral direction: 3.9%
in the duodenum, 9.2% in the jejunum and 86.7% in the ileum. Lymphoma
s were more frequent in the ileum (49.5%) compared to jejunum (29.4%)
and duodenum (21.0%). Most sarcomas occurred along the jejunum (46.7%)
. The mean and median ages of lymphoma and sarcoma patients were signi
ficantly lower compared to adenocarcinoma and carcinoid cases. There w
as no difference in mean and median age by gender in the adenocarcinom
a and carcinoid categories, but in the lymphoma and sarcoma groups mal
es were significantly younger than females.