A female infant who died 2.5 d after birth with hypoglycemia, lactic a
cidosis, and sudden multisystem failure was studied. Biochemical studi
es showed complex III and IV deficiency in liver, kidney, and muscle,
with muscle most severely affected. Southern blot analysis of the pati
ent's mitochondrial DNA did not reveal any deletions. Denaturing gradi
ent gel analysis, which detects single base changes by differences in
melting behavior, showed an extra band that was not seen in mitochondr
ial DNA from the mother, the mother's identical twin sister, or an unr
elated normal subject. This extra band indicated heteroplasmy for a re
striction fragment containing the apocytochrome b and transfer RNA(thr
) genes. Sequencing revealed an A to G mutation at nucleotide 15923, t
he last base of the anticodon loop of the transfer RNA(thr) gene. The
mutation lengthens the anticodon stem by added pairing and reduces the
anticodon loop size from 7 to 5 nucleotides, potentially compromising
transfer RNA(thr) function in translation and/or in processing the po
lycistronic RNA transcript. The patient's mother previously had a male
infant who also died at 1.5 d postnatal, and both the mother and her
twin have had multiple miscarriages. Amniocentesis for a genetic scree
n was performed on the mother's twin sister during a recent pregnancy;
some of the cultured cells were made available for this study. The mu
tation was not found in the amniocytes or in umbilical cord blood obta
ined at birth; the baby was normal at birth and remains healthy. It is
concluded that the mutation at nucleotide 15923 was most likely the c
ause of the fatal disease in the index case. The timing of the illness
was consistent with postnatal depletion of glycogen reserves. The fin
dings suggest that a mitochondrial disorder should be considered for i
nfants who experience sudden cardiopulmonary arrest within the first f
ew days of life.