1. Sparrmannia flava Arrow (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) regulated thorac
ic temperature (Th) during flight at 38.6-degrees-C over an ambient te
mperature (T(a)) range of 11-degrees-C. 2. T(th) and wing loading (19.
99 N m-2) were within the range predicted by body mass (0.80 g) based
on previous studies of scaling in beetles, although conductance (0.008
7 W-degrees-C-1) was considerably lower and wingstroke frequency (87 H
z) higher than that previously recorded in beetles of similar mass. 3.
The slope of the regression of abdominal temperature (T(ab)) on T(a),
at T(a)s > 20-degrees-C, was > 1, and physiological heat transfer was
demonstrated experimentally, suggesting that low conductance necessit
ates active heat transfer at high T(a)s. 4. Sparrmannia flava's early-
morning, anti-predator strategy involves adaptations which make it an
exception to previous generalizations concerning the thermal biology o
f beetles.