The number of older drivers in Sweden will be rapidly increasing durin
g the next decades. A possible relationship exists between the increas
ed relative crash risk of older drivers and the prevalence of age-rela
ted diseases such as dementia. However, a clear-cut policy for evaluat
ing driving competence in demented persons is still lacking. In recogn
ition of this fact, the Swedish National Road Administration invited a
group of researchers to formulate a consensus on the issue of driving
and dementia. This consensus document is aimed at providing primary c
are physicians with practical advice concerning the assessment of cogn
itive status in relation to driving. Suggestions are based on a review
of existing research and discuss the use of general and driving-speci
fic sources of information available to the physician. Consensus was r
eached on the statement that a diagnosis of moderate to severe dementi
a precludes driving and that certain individuals with mild dementia sh
ould be considered for a specialized assessment of their driving compe