The viability of the bovine embryo was monitored by measuring the earl
y pregnancy factor (EPF). The EPF activity was measured by the rosette
inhibition test before and after artificial insemination (AI) at natu
ral estrus (n = 14), and after superovulatory treatment followed by em
bryo removal on day 7 after AI (n=5). In the cows inseminated artifici
ally at natural estrus, there were significant differences (p<0.01) in
the rosette inhibition titer (RIT) between pregnant and non-pregnant
cows on day 13-16 and day 20-25 after AI. In the 8 pregnant cows, the
RIT remained more than 5 from day 6-9 after AI. In the 6 non-pregnant
cows, two patterns were observed. In one pattern, RIT rose transiently
to more than 5 and decreased to less than 4 thereafter. In the other
pattern, RIT remained less than 4 throughout the experimental period.
The former pattern suggested early embryonic death, while the latter s
uggested that fertilization had not taken place or that early embryoni
c death had occurred before the first blood collection on day 6-9 afte
r AI. In the cows superovulated followed by embryo removal on day 7 af
ter Al, the RIT values were all less than 4 on the day of AI (day 0),
rose to more than 5 on day 3 and thereafter then until the day of embr
yo removal on day 7. In 4 cows, the RIT decreased to less than 4 by 3
days after embryo removal, and in the remaining one cow, the RIT decre
ased to less than 4 by 7 days after embryo removal. These findings sug
gest that the measurement of EPF activity is useful for monitoring the
viability of bovine embryos.