Frogs were submitted in acute experiments to electrical stimulation of
both ipsi- and contralateral homologous olfactory nerve bundles subse
rving the dorsal olfactory mucosae. Mitral layer responses on one side
were recorded. When both stimulations were given at different onset t
imes and equal intensity, the ipsilateral mitral layer response fell t
o a sharp minimum of 42 % when the contralateral stimulation was given
25 ms before the ipsilateral one. When both stimuli were adjusted for
maximal temporal inhibition and the intensity of the contralateral st
imulation was varied, the amplitude of the ipsilateral response decrea
sed as the intensity of the contralateral stimulation increased until
intensity equalization was obtained. This interbulbar inhibition was s
uppressed either by sagittal transection through the interbulbar adhes
ion or local infusion of bicuculline in the ipsilateral olfactory bulb
. It was unaffected by transection of habenular commissure. These find
ings suggest first, that the neuroreceptors located in the dorsal olfa
ctory mucosae project to both olfactory bulbs, and second, that it exi
sts at mitral layer level of the frog, a reciprocal inhibition which c
an subserve frog orientation towards proximal odour source.