Where words fail, music may be a medium through which to explore one's
inner world and experiences. Psychodynamic approaches have helped us
to understand what it means to be handicapped (e.g. Sinason, 1992). Th
e subtleties of diagnosing anorexia nervosa have recently been recogni
zed in this group (e.g. Cottrell & Crisp, 1984). Music therapy has bee
n used with clients of normal intelligence who have eating disorders (
Nolan, 1989; Sloboda, 1993; Smeijsters & van den Hurk 1993). This arti
cle illustrates the music therapy of a woman with Down's syndrome (IQ
= 50) and anorexia nervosa. It describes her management and progress i
n music therapy in relation to her external world and anorectic behavi