Benzodiazepine discontinuation is associated with alterations in motor
activity and gamma-aminobutyric acid-A receptor upregulation in a mou
se model. Prior studies indicate that concurrent administration of the
compound ropyl)chloro-2-phenyl-1-isoquinoline-3-carboxamide (PK1195),
a ''peripheral'' site benzodiazepine antagonist, can attenuate the ef
fects of lorazepam on tolerance and receptor alterations. To evaluate
the effects of PK11195 administration on benzodiazepine discontinuatio
n, we administered lorazepam (2 mg/kg per day), PK11195 (1 to 10 mg/kg
per day) or the combination to mice for 7 days, and then evaluated pe
ntylenetetrazole-induced seizure threshold and benzodiazepine binding
at days 1, 4, and 7 after discontinuation. Seizure theshold was reduce
d at 4 days after lorazepam discontinuation; this effect was attenuate
d by coadministration of PK11195 at 5 mg/kg per day. Lorazepam discont
inuation effects were not altered by PK11195 at 1 mg/kg per day, where
as the 10-mg/kg dose was not different from 5 mg/kg per day. The compe
titive ligand Ro5-4864 at 10 mg/kg per day, blocked the effects of PK1
1195 on lorazepam discontinuation. Benzodiazepine receptor binding in
vivo was increased in the cortex and hippocampus at 4 days postlorazep
am discontinuation. This effect was attenuated in the hippocampus but
not in the cortex by concurrent administration of PK1195. These data i
ndicate that concurrent administration of PK11195 may attenuate discon
tinuation effects of lorazepam.