Bilateral adrenalectomy followed by immediate transplantation of adren
al slices into muscular tissue was performed in 7 patients with Cushin
g's disease and 1 with bilateral pheochromocytoma. Patients were follo
wed for 1 to 7 years and only 1 had evidence of a functional graft (se
rum cortisol level at the lower limit of normality). Low levels of deh
ydroepiandrosterone sulfate, aldosterone and cortisol were found in th
e remaining patients. Acute stimulation with adrenocorticotropichormon
e did not increase either cortisol or aldosterone levels in any patien
t. We conclude that prospective studies are needed to elucidate factor
s that could improve the success of adrenal implantation, since the li
terature shows examples of functional grafts, while the majority of th
e cases are unsuccessful.