The numerical relationship between tumour associated macrophages (TAM)
and apoptotic cells in 12 human colorectal tumours was evaluated. TAM
were labelled immunohistochemically and apoptotic cells were visualiz
ed by counterstaining with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E). The stereolog
ical techniques, Cavalieri's estimator of volume and the Disector were
used to estimate both tumour volume and numerical density of both cel
l types. The occurrence of TAM per unit volume of tissue increased wit
h increasing tumour volume to a maximum in a tumour of 110.5 cm(3), af
ter which numbers declined. Levels of apoptosis also increased with tu
mour Volume though more erratically than levels of TAM and declined fo
r tumour Volumes greater than 80 cm(3). This is the first report of an
attempt to assess the relationship between apoptotic cells and TAM in
human tumours. (C) 1996 The International Association of Biological S