This study proposes a strategy to promote the integration of a neural
graft into the host brain tissue. It involves the attachment of donor
cells to a polymeric matrix, and the implantation of this cell-polymer
matrix. We have synthesized hydrogels based on N-(2-hydroxypropyl)-me
thacrylamide (HPMA) to produce highly porous matrices. As preliminary
steps, we have examined: 1) The response of the brain tissue to the im
plantation of PHPMA/collagen hydrogels; 2) adhesion, growth, different
iation, and viability of embryonic neuronal cells, and embryonal carci
noma-derived neurons seeded onto PHPMA substrates containing hexosamin
e residues (glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine), and after entrapment
of cells within the hydrogels. Histological analysis seven wk after i
mplantation showed the tolerance of PHPMA hydrogels, and the penetrati
on of host cells into the pore structures. However, cellular ingrowth
requires the presence of collagen, and is dependent upon porosity. In
vitro data showed that PHPMA substrates supported neuronal cell attach
ment and neuritic growth, but the biocompatibility of the substrate wa
s enhanced after incorporation of N-acetylglucosamine into the hydroge
l. The data also showed the feasibility of entrapping cells into the p
olymer matrices, and that these ''cellular'' hydrogel matrices could b
e maintained in vitro with preservation of cell viability and differen
tiation. These findings suggest that PHPMA-based hydrogels can serve a
s carriers for neural transplant, and as a support to guide tissue ing
rowth and organization.