Malaria continues to be a serious health risk for travellers. The mala
ria parasites which infect humans can only be naturally transmitted by
female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. Travellers to malaria endem
ic areas require detailed advice on appropriate chemoprophylaxis again
st malaria and personal protection against mosquito bites. The decisio
n on an appropriate chemoprophylaxis or standby therapy regimen should
reflect the malaria risk, pattern of drug resistance, and the toxicit
y of available drugs. Currently travellers encounter a number of probl
ems in protecting themselves against malaria. Advice is often both ina
dequate and inaccurate; and all the recommended drug regimens are asso
ciated with minor, and occasionally major adverse reactions. Because o
f poor compliance to drug prophylaxis and to reduce the impact of drug
resistance, protection against mosquitoes has a critical role in prot
ecting travellers from malaria. Compliance to methods of personal prot
ection not only reduces the malaria risk but also limits the nuisance
and loss of sleep from biting insects.