The future industrial use of water will continue its current trend tow
ard recycling of poorer quality waters particularly for cooling system
makeup and boiler feedwater. Most of our water sources will continue
to degrade to higher salinity, higher suspended solids, organics, and
phosphates. We will be discharging less wastewater because treatment a
nd recycling will be more economical than the fees for noncompliance.
New technology in equipment and chemicals will enable much greater rec
ycling in cooling and boiler water systems, with energy conservation c
ontinuing to be fine-tuned. The next 100 years will also include great
ly improved water system monitoring tied to computer-controlled chemic
al feed, thus reducing manpower requirements but enabling more efficie
nt use of chemicals. Results will provide longer equipment life, less
cleaning, more efficiency in heat transfer, more efficient steam produ
ction, and greater effluent reduction.