High rates of N fertilizers are often necessary to achieve yield goals
in the humid tropics, where subsoil acidity prevents deep crop rootin
g. However, leaching of fertilizer nitrate may accelerate the leaching
of bases from the crop rooting zone, leading to an acidification of t
he topsoil and a reduction in crop yields. Our ojective was to investi
gate the influence of urea and legume green manure sources of N on cro
p yields, leaching of cations, and the fertility of the plow layer of
a clayey Oxisol (Typic Acrudox) of the central Amazon basin. We establ
ished a split-plot field experiment near Manaus, Brazil where main plo
ts received 2 levels of lime (0 and 4 Mt/ha CaCO3) and sub-plots were
cropped with (i) a legume green manure (Canavalia ensiformes L. or Muc
una aterrima L.) followed by maize (Zea mays L.); (ii) maize receiving
300 kg ha-1 of urea-N, or (iii) left bare-fallow with an application
of 300 kg ha-1 of urea-N. Plots were periodically sampled to 1.2 m dur
ing three cropping seasons. The field site received 4265 mm of rain du
ring the experiment (16 mo). Legume crops accumulated between 142 and
280 kg ha-1 of N. The distribution of NO3 in the soil profile changed
in a pattern consistent with leaching. All treatments lost Ca and Mg f
rom the plow layer during the experimental period. Losses were greates
t (500-1000 kg ha-1 for Ca and 50 kg ha-1 for Mg) in plots treated wit
h urea and lime. Leaching of bases and the generation of acidity decre
ased base saturation in the plow layer of all treatments, but was mini
mized in plots receiving legume green manure N, perhaps because less i
norganic N was applied and/or the legume crops recycled leached bases.
Unlimed plots receiving urea, had the highest increase in acidity in
the 0 to 30-cm layer and a corresponding 44% reduction in grain yield
between the first and third maize crops.