Plasma noradrenaline (NE), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), growth
hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrat
ions were examined in basal conditions and after stimulation by the st
ep test in two groups of psychophysically healthy adolescent girls, 18
from divorced families and 16 from non-divorced families. Basal NE, A
CTH, GH, PRL values did not differ in the two groups, whereas those of
LH were significantly lower in the adolescents from divorced parents
than in those from non-divorced families. Responses of NE and ACTH to
the stimulus were normal, of GH and PRL were weaker, and of LH slightl
y weaker in children of divorced parents. An impaired catecholaminergi
c and serotoninergic tonus in children of disrupted families might und
erly the hormonal alterations.