A diallel design between 21 inbred lines of maize. based on a wide gen
etic variation, is studied in 4 environments, simultaneously using mor
phological traits (recorded at silage harvest time) and Near infra-red
Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) technique. For both types of characte
rs, the general combining ability appears predominant over the specifi
c combining ability, and over interactions between genotypic effects a
nd the environments. Broad- and narrow-sense heritabilities of agronom
ic traits are high, except for the in vitro digestibility of the non-s
tarch part of the plant, but this may be related more to high residual
effects than to low genetic ones. The variation revealed by NIRS tech
nique appears to be predominantly under genetic control, and very heri
table, most of the effects being additive. This technique could be of
interest for a low-cost improvement of the efficiency of selection ind
ices when breeding maize for forage yield and digestibility.