We have studied 1 5 cases of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis stained
with a monoclonal antibody reactive with human tumour necrosis factor-
alpha (TNFalpha), a cytokine that has been implicated in inflammation
and fibrosis. Seven were examples of lone cryptogenic fibrosing alveol
itis and eight were examples of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis in pa
tients with systemic sclerosis. There was widespread staining of epith
elial cells, particularly hyperplastic type II pneumocytes. Macrophage
s stained only weakly. In a control group of 10 patients dying of unre
lated conditions, staining for TNFalpha was weak and, in the alveolar
epithelium, was confined to a very occasional type II pneumocyte. The
strong expression of TNFalpha in hyperplastic type II pneumocytes sugg
ests that TNFalpha produced during alveolar epithelial regeneration ma
y play a part in the fibrosis seen in this disease.