bendless- (ben-) is an X chromosome mutation in Drosophila melanogaste
r, known to alter patterns of connections in the CNS and thus modify b
ehavior (Thomas and Wyman, 1984). We report that in addition to its CN
S effects, ben- has. pleiotropic phenotypes affecting thoracic muscle
patterning, pupal mortality, and post-eclosional mobility. The tergal
depressor of the trochanter (TDT) normally attaches ventrally to an ap
odeme on the trochanter and dorsally to the lateral scutum just poster
ior to the intrascutal suture, In ben- individuals, TDT may attach any
where within the boundaries of the attachment areas for TDT and dorsov
entral muscles I (DVM I) and II (DVM II). Furthermore, TDT may complet
ely lack a dorsal attachment, although it still maintains a ventral at
tachment. DVMs may also attach abnormally to dorsal sites normally occ
upied by an adjacent DVM, or may be entirely eliminated. DVM loss occu
rs independently of the position or presence of TDT dorsal attachment.
The cytology of ben- TDT is altered. Muscles may have fibers that are
swollen and stain abnormally. Other fibers may have large, axially al
igned holes. ben- flies have an increased likelihood of failing to ecl
ose and, upon eclosion, show impaired mobility. We describe several po
ssible mechanisms for the ben- developmental defects and discuss this
mutation in light of its evolutionary significance.