The uptake of radiocesium from mutton contaminated hy fallout from the
Chernobyl reactor accident has been studied in eight healthy male vol
unteers. Each subject consumed, on adjacent days, two meals prepared f
rom the mutton containing a total of 0.8 kBq Cs-137. The elevation and
subsequent decline in whole-body content were determined from body ra
dioactivity measurements prior to the meals and at intervals up to 15
wk afterwards. Clearance of Cs-137 between 1 and 15 wk showed a biolog
ical half-time of 102 +/- 24 (SD) d, (range 84-154 d). The fraction cl
eared with this half-time was 80 +/- 4% (range 72-85%). No attempt was
made to determine the early retention and excretion but, if the ICRP'
s assumption of 10% clearance with a 2-d half-life were valid, the dat
a would indicate an average uptake (f1) of 89%, i.e., marginally lower
than the value of 100% assumed in setting limits on intake.