This study was designed to determine whether cells of the oligodendrog
lial lineage express neuroligand receptors linked to Ca2+ mobilization
. Intracellular Ca2+ levels were monitored with a video-based imaging
system and cells were characterized with immunocytochemical markers. O
-2A progenitor cells (A2B5+/GFAP-) and mature oligodendroglia (GC+/MBP
+) responded to norepinephrine, glutamate, ATP, and histamine with inc
reased intracellular Ca2+ levels. As O-2A progenitor cells differentia
ted into mature oligodendroglia, there was an increase in the percenta
ge of cells that responded to ATP and histamine with an increase in in
tracellular Ca2+ levels. Both O-2A progenitor cells and mature oligode
ndroglia were pharmacologically heterogeneous with respect to their ab
ility to respond to neuroligands with an increase in intracellular Ca
2+ . Treatment with bradykinin, carbachol, and substance P also increa
sed intracellular Ca 2+ levels in O-2A progenitor cells and mature oli
godendroglia. Whereas the percentage of cells that responded to bradyk
inin and substance P increased with differentiation of O-2A progenitor
cells into mature oligodendroglia, the trend was reversed with respec
t to the percentage of cells responding to carbachol. These results su
ggest that cells of the oligodendroglial lineage exhibit neuroligand r
eceptors linked to Ca2+ mobilization and that the ability of these cel
ls to respond to neuroligands is developmentally regulated.