The path-integral approach to representing braid group is generalized
for particles with spin. Introducing the notion of charged winding num
ber in the super-plane, we represent the braid-group generators as hom
otopically constrained Feynman kernels. In this framework, super Knizh
nik-Zamolodchikov operators appear naturally in the hamiltonian, sugge
sting the possibility of spinning nonabelian anyons. We then apply our
formulation to the study of fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE). A
systematic discussion of the ground states and their quasi-hole excita
tions is given. We obtain Laughlin, Halperin and Moore-Read states as
exact ground-state solutions to the respective hamiltonians associated
to the braid-group representations. The energy gap of the quasi-excit
ation is also obtainable from this approach.