The findings from a cytologic examination of 26 surgically removed cys
tic adnexal masses (1-11.5 cm) aspirated with a 22-gauge needle were c
orrelated with the histopathologic findings. The mean age of the patie
nts was 48 years. Examination of the Papanicolaou-stained cytospin pre
parations showed that all but three were cellular. Benign epithelial c
ells were identified in fluid aspirated from the mass from one patient
with hydrosalpinx and from three with paramesonephric and one with si
mple cysts; they were also found in aspirated samples from three patie
nts with serous cystadenoma and one with serous cystadenofibroma. Mass
es from the five patients with follicle cysts and cystic follicles con
tained numerous granulosa cells. Ciliated cells or ciliated cytoplasmi
c fragments were found in all aspirated samples except those from pati
ents with follicle cysts, cystic follicles or endometriosis. In two pa
tients, one with endometriosis and one with serous cystadenoma, the ep
ithelial cells were atypical, with a high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, h
yperchromasia, nuclear molding and large nucleoli. These results could
be misinterpreted as indicating malignancy. In summary, the vast majo
rity of aspirated samples (91%) contained benign cells. However, cauti
on should be exercised in the interpretation of possibly misleading cy
tologic findings in patients with endometriosis or cystadenoma.