Objective: To examine the factors associated with condom use among a c
ohort of sexually active intravenous drug users (IVDU). Design: Data w
ere collected via personal interview at the fourth-month assessment po
int of a longitudinal study monitoring HIV infection and risk behavior
s among IVDU. Setting: A community-based methadone clinic. Participant
s: A total of 158 sexually active heterosexual male and female IVDU, i
ncluding both methadone patients and out-of-treatment individuals with
a history of opiate abuse. Main outcome measures: We describe a new a
pproach to identify the determinants of condom use. Previous studies h
ave described subjects as either 'condom users' or 'condom non-users',
using an individual's overall behavior as the unit of analysis. By an
alyzing condom use during the most recent sexual encounter, we avoided
the problem of interpreting inconsistent condom use. Data were analyz
ed using forward stepwise logistic regression. Results: Thirty-four pe
r cent of the heterosexual subjects (n = 160) reported using a condom
during their last sexual encounter. Being HIV-positive and having eith
er a casual or commercial partner were each associated with increased
probability of using a condom (odds ratio, 10.6, 4.4 and 12.1, respect
ively). No interactions with sex were found. Conclusions. Our results
suggest that knowing that one is HIV-positive is an important determin
ant of condom use; HIV testing may therefore increase the use of condo
ms. In addition, interventions to change sexual behaviors may need to
focus on the type of sexual partner.