The thermal and hydraulic test results of the DPC-TJ coil, a 24 kA-40
A mm-2 forced-cooled Nb3Sn coil, are presented in this paper. The DPC-
TJ coil was installed and tested between the DPC-U1 and U2 coils. The
weight of the DPC-TJ coil is 2.8 ton and the total cool-down weight of
the coil system is 23 ton. It took almost-equal-to 180 h to cool the
coils from room temperature to 20 K. The DPC-TJ coil's heat load was 2
0 W at zero transport current and 40 W at 24 kA, the rated charging st
ate. The pressure drop in the DPC-TJ coil was measured and the obtaine
d value agreed well with that determined by the empirical formula used
for the design of the DPC-TJ coil. A.c. losses and inductive losses d
ue to heat input cause a rapid decrease in the helium flow rate at the
coil inlet position. This phenomenon was analysed and one of the desi
gn standards was derived.