Intervention efficacy can be increased when the treatment is maximally
matched to the needs of the client. One means of achieving such match
ing is through use of an expert system, a computer-based decision-maki
ng system designed to utilize client information to produce unique, ma
tched information and interventions. An expert system can combine the
individual matching possible in a clinic-based intervention and the lo
w cost associated with a public health approach. This paper begins by
discussing several alternative implementations of the expert system ap
proach within the general context of communication theory. Second, the
theoretical model and related empirical evidence which form the basis
of the expert system is described briefly. Third, the details of a co
mputer-driven, expert system intervention specifically developed for s
moking cessation is described. Finally, empirical results from a study
comparing the expert system intervention to three alternative interve
ntions for smoking cessation are presented. In general, the expert sys
tem approach can provide a cost effective, viable, and efficacious mea
ns of intervening in a specific problem behavior area. Implications an
d potential areas of development are discussed.