Derived from the Monod-model and regulating principles a regulation mo
del of the rotifer development in chemostats was developed. The model
was validated in continuous cultures of Brachionus angularis both in s
teady-states, when undisturbed, and in transient-states after perturba
tions by step changes of dilution rate or input substrate concentratio
n. Simulations of the simple model monotonically approached steady-sta
tes, but cultures show overshoots and damped oscillations before reach
ing this state. After introducing time-lags into the model it depends
on the size of the time lag if model rotifer densities reach stable st
eady-state values (at low time lags) or stable limit cycles with perio
dic oscillations (at high time lags). At even higher time lags chaotic
conditions occur in the model with final extinction of the rotifers.