Synchaeta kitina Rousselet reached population densities of up to 5000
ind.l-1 in Loch Leven, between January 1977 and December 1982. The spe
cies was found over the entire range of temperatures recorded (0.4-21.
4-degrees-C), but was most abundant at temperatures above 7-degrees-C.
Embryo development times, determined under laboratory conditions, ran
ged from 122 h at 2-degrees-C to 12.5 h at 20-degrees-C. There was a m
arked inverse relationship between populations of S. kitina and Daphni
a hyalina var. lacustris in the loch. It seems unlikely that this was
due to interference competition from Daphnia. S. kitina can be culture
d on Rhodomonas minuta var. lacustris and there is some evidence that
this rotifer also feeds on small flagellates in its natural environmen