It is discussed the case of Cerebral Paludism due to Plasmodium falcip
arum in a patient who travelled frequently to Ivory Coast and who had
done an incorrect prophylaxis of Paludism. It is underlined the relati
onship of cerebral presentation with the presence of multisystemic fai
lure, which was characterized by Respiratory Distress, Hyperdynamic Sh
ock, Acute Renal Failure and Hematological and Digestive Disorders.Sho
ck forced the administration of Vasoactive drugs (such as Dopamine, Do
butamine and Methoxamine), Respiratory Failure to establish Mechanical
Ventilation and Coagulation Disorders to transfuse platelets and plas
ma. Clinical evolution was favorable in few days thanks to an early sy
mptomatic and etiology therapy.