Jj. Gaynor et al., ON THE USE OF CAUSE-SPECIFIC FAILURE AND CONDITIONAL FAILURE PROBABILITIES - EXAMPLES FROM CLINICAL ONCOLOGY DATA, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(422), 1993, pp. 400-409
Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation of the probability of fail
ing from a particular cause by time t in the presence of other acting
causes (i.e., the cause-specific failure probability) is discussed. A
commonly used incorrect approach is to take 1 minus the Kaplan-Meier (
KM) estimator (1 - KM), whereby patients who fail of extraneous causes
are treated as censored observations. Examples showing the extent of
bias in using the 1-KM approach are presented using clinical oncology
data. This bias can be quite large if the data are uncensored or if a
large percentage of patients fail from extraneous causes prior to the
occurrence of failures from the cause of interest. Each cause-specific
failure probability is mathematically defined as a function of all of
the cause-specific hazards. Therefore, nonparametric estimates of the
cause-specific failure probabilities may not be able to identify cate
gorized covariate effects on the cause-specific hazards. These effects
would be correctly identified by cause-specific cumulative hazard or
KM plots in which the extraneous causes of failure are treated as cens
ored observations. Examples are provided. Finally, nonparametric graph
ical representation of the two distinct cause-specific failure compone
nts of the mixture model (i.e., the probability of ever failing from a
particular cause and the time-to-failure distribution given that a pa
tient will fail of that cause) are presented. The difficulty in extrap
olating the nonparametric estimates beyond the range of observed failu
re times is highlighted. In addition, the mathematical relationship of
a single covariate z and the two cause-specific failure components is
shown for the case where z acts multiplicatively on the cause-specifi
c hazards. Examples are considered using the important prognostic fact
ors in adult soft tissue sarcoma (STS) of the extremity and adult acut
e lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). In each of the mathematical and actual
examples considered, the characteristic that was associated with a hi
gher hazard rate of failure from the disease was also associated with
a higher probability of ever failing from the disease as well as a sho
rter time-to-failure distribution given that failure due to the diseas
e will occur. Thus it may be quite common in chronic disease situation
s to find prognosticators that are associated with both cause-specific
failure components.