The value of a scientific analysis and the significance of the results
are influenced by the degree to which the sample analyzed reflects th
e composition of the material or population under study. An appropriat
e methodology will result in representative sampling. Formulae for rep
resentative sampling protocols were evaluated, and an optimal formula
to be used in a sampling plan for ''street'' drug exhibits with a larg
e number of units was selected. The selected formula was applied to ch
oose a number of sample units for routine chemical analysis of control
led substances, with the analytical result considered to be representa
tive of the entire lot of powdered drug units in the exhibit. The resu
lts obtained during the research demonstrate that adoption of the form
ula n = 20 + 10%(N - 20) [where n = sample size, N = total population
(N greater-than-or-equal-to 20)] can be used for selection of an appro
priate representative sample from powdered street-drug exhibits. This
sampling procedure results in forensic analyses of controlled substanc
es which are supportable to a reasonable scientific certainty, and whi
ch are obtained in an efficient manner.