The biteplate facebow has been recommended for use in the correction o
f Class II malocclusions with deep overbites. This facebow is similar
in design to the conventional cervical face bow with the addition of a
n inner bow metal plate. The plate presses against the maxillary incis
ors and prevents the patient from fully closing, thus acting as a bite
plate. A test apparatus was constructed to simulate the force system p
resent during application of the facebow. In this study, high resoluti
on force transducers were used to measure the intrusive forces on the
maxillary and mandibular incisors. Static force analysis techniques we
re then used to calculate the vertical force component of the first mo
lars. Analyses were performed using a wide range of relative bow angle
s, neck strap tensions of 200 grams and 400 grams, and various mandibu
lar incisor occluding forces. The molar eruptive forces of the bitepla
te facebow are found to exceed those of the standard cervical facebow
by a low of 158% to a high of 537%, depending on the neck strap tensio
n and the inner bow/outer bow angle. While the intrusive forces on the
maxillary incisors were excessive, no intrusion is anticipated becaus
e the biteplate disarticulates the posterior teeth and the eruption of
the unopposed maxillary molars would likely cause the occlusal plane
to tip in a counter-clockwise direction. Consequently, the overbite co
rrection would be obtained through maxillary molar eruption accompanie
d by occlusal plane tipping. Before considering use of the biteplate f
acebow, a patient's anticipated growth pattern, the magnitude of the i
ntrusive forces and the treatment objectives should be evaluated.