Innovation Centres are considered to be the main link which is necessa
ry for the successful functioning of innovative process in the economy
. Especially it is necessary to stress their importance in the aspect
of creation of the space for elastic and rapid realization of innovati
ve intentions apart from bureaucratic structures of big firms. From th
is point of view they create effective tool of economic development fo
r separate regions as well as in interests of the state as a whole. Th
e basic role of the innovation centres is to create the space for effe
ctive and rapid transfer of scientific and research knowledge into the
business sphere, it means towards to arising small and medium enterpr
ising structures, coming into the world, as well as towards the big bu
siness firms. The article contents the classification of innovative ce
ntres, their position and basic mission, development of innovative cen
tres abroad as well as in our country, accessess towards their establi
shment in our conditions, process of innovative centres establishment,
their organizational structure, management, as well as the extent of
providing services. Since innovation centres themselves create the mos
t suitable environment for arising and successful functioning of small
and medium innovation firms, there is highly topical the inevitabilit
y of their creation support, especially in these regions, where the co
nditions for their efficient operating already have ripened. Small and
tiny firms influence the restructuralization of economy of regions, r
eplace gradually non-profitable manufacturing by modern and perspectiv
e production programmes. They contribute in very important way to the
solution of regional unemployment as well as to the development of the
regional infrastructure.