Treatment of the primary tumor in malignant melanoma includes a surgic
al excision of the surrounding skin and subcutaneous fat to remove tum
or and occult focci. The most significant factor in predicting recurre
nce of melanoma at the primary tumor site is thickness of the primary
tumor and the presence of ulceration. The margin of resection for lesi
ons less than .76 mm is 1 cm and the margin of resection for lesions .
76 mm or greater is 2 cm. However, we must remember that an additional
margin of skin resection rarely compromises a satisfactory esthetic r
esult and prognosis may be gravely affected by local recurrence of the
tumor. The primary incisions may require special considerations if th
e underlying lymph nodes are also to be resected. On the face less mar
gins may be advantageous for an optimal cosmetic result. The method of
reconstruction depends upon the location and size of the defect, the
functional and esthetic requirements of the patient, and the medical c
ondition of the patient. Reconstructive methods with primary closure,
split thickness skin grafts, full thickness skin grafts, local flaps,
and regional flaps are discussed for different locations.