Photofootprinting in vivo of GAL1 reveals an activation- dependent pat
tern between the UAS(G) and the TATA box, in a sequence not required f
or transcriptional activation by GAL4. The pattern results from a nucl
eosome whose position depends on sequences within the UAS(G). In the w
ild-type gene, activation by GAL4 and derivatives disrupts this nucleo
some. This activity is independent of interactions with DNA-bound core
transcription factors and is proportional to the strength of the acti
vator. Presence of the nucleosome correlates with low basal transcript
ion levels under various conditions, suggesting a role in limiting bas
al expression. We propose a role for the GAL4 activation domain in dis
placing a nucleosome and suggest that this is part of the mechanism by
which GAL4 activates transcription in vivo.