In seeking an animal model of age-associated changes in the male repro
ductive tract, we examined the effects of age on the health and testic
ular steroidogenic activity of the Brown Norway rat, with comparisons
made to the Sprague-Dawley rat. When perfused in vitro under condition
s of maximally stimulating luteinizing hormone significant age-associa
ted reductions were seen in testosterone production by testes of Sprag
ue-Dawley rats of 21-24 months of age and by testes of Brown Norway ra
ts of 18-30 months of age. Decreases in the capacity of the testes to
produce testosterone were reflected in age-associated decreases in bot
h serum testosterone and in testosterone concentration within the semi
niferous tubule fluid. In contrast to the Sprague-Dawley rat, changes
in steroidogenic activity in the Brown Norway rat were not accompanied
by the occurrence of pituitary adenomas, obesity, or testicular tumor
s. This, along with its longevity, make the Brown Norway strain a high
ly promising model for testicular aging.