Determination of the relative gene order on chromosomes is of critical
importance in the construction of human gene maps. In this paper we d
evelop a sequential algorithm for gene ordering. We start by comparing
three sequential procedures to order three genes on the basis of Baye
sian posterior probabilities, maximum-likelihood ratio, and minimal re
combinant class. In the second part of the paper we extend sequential
procedure based on the posterior probabilities to the general case of
g genes. We present a theorem that states that the predicted average p
robability of committing a decision error, associated with a Bayesian
sequential procedure that accepts the hypothesis of a gene-order confi
guration with posterior probability equal to or greater than pi, is s
maller than 1 - pi. This theorem holds irrespective of the number of
genes, the genetic model, and the source of genetic information. The t
heorem is an extension of a classical result of Wald, concerning the s
um of the actual and the nominal error probabilities in the sequential
probability ratio test of two hypotheses. A stepwise strategy for ord
ering a large number of genes, with control over the decision-error pr
obabilities, is discussed. An asymptotic approximation is provided, wh
ich facilitates the calculations with existing computer software for g
ene mapping, of the posterior probabilities of an order and the error
probabilities. We illustrate with some simulations that the stepwise o
rdering is an efficient procedure.