One of the main difficulties encountered in the numerical simulation o
f the anisotropic elastic characteristics of compact bone is to accoun
t for the Haversian microstructure when determining the overall macros
copic behavior. Engineering analyses of such problems are usually base
d on 'homogenized approximations'. Compact bone is not exactly a compo
site material, but rather a heterogeneous medium which exhibits a mult
iscale composite structure. If the homogenized approximation is precis
e enough (and this is true for the mathematical theory of homogenizati
on), it is then possible to simulate the macroscopic behavior from the
microscopic mechanical characteristics. The present paper is devoted
to such mathematical developments. Moreover, the 'inverse simulation'
allows the computation of the microscopic stress fields in the haversi
an structure from the macroscopic stress fields, taking into account b
one microstructure.