Trefoil (3(1)) and figure-8 (4(1)) knots have been synthesized from DN
A molecules containing two single-turn helical domains, linked by four
oligodeoxythymidine linkers. Both topologies are derived from the sam
e DNA molecule. The tightest knots are fashioned by minimizing the len
gths of the linkers. The shortest equal-length linkers from which a tr
efoil knot can be made readily are seven nucleotides long, in a 74-nuc
leotide molecule, whereas those in the shortest figure-8 knot are six
nucleotides long- in a 70-nucleotide molecule. In addition to these li
miting knots, other knots containing 80, 88,96 and 104 nucleotides hav
e been constructed. The mobilities of these molecules on denaturing ge
ls show the conventional logarithmic dependence on length. Ferguson an
alysis of their mobilities indicates a linear dependence of surface ar
ea on length. The 80-mer trefoil knot is the tightest molecule that ca
n be restricted in both domains.