Over a 5-year period 1985-1989, a total of 1,268 persons, 5.1 cases pe
r 100,000 person-years, required hospital treatment for injuries cause
d by firearms in Finland. During the same period 1,295 persons died on
the scene of the shooting or during transport to hospital. Among the
1,268 patients admitted alive, the principal modes of the shooting inc
ident were accidental shooting in 57 %, suicidal attempt in 20 % and a
ssault in 13 %. The male:female ratio was 11:1. The median age of the
patients was 31 years. The anatomical distribution of the injuries was
as follows: skull or face in 36 %, chest or abdomen in 17 % and extre
mities in 47 %. The mean duration of the hospital stay was 13 days. In
all, 16,506 hospital days were required. Of the 1,268 patients 141 di
ed in hospital. The hospital mortality was 104/255 in suicidal shootin
gs, 26/158 in assaults but only 9/725 in accidents. This study showed
that firearm injuries cannot be considered a negligible medical proble
m in Finland.