Highly negative skill scores may occur in regression-based experimenta
l forecast trials in which the data being forecast are withheld in tum
from a fixed sample, and the remaining data are used to develop regre
ssion relationships-that is, exhaustive cross-validation methods. A sm
all negative bias in skill is amplified when forecasts are verified us
ing the correlation between forecasts and actual data. The same outcom
e occurs when forecasts are amplitude-inflated in conversion to a cate
gorical system and scored in a ''number of hits'' framework. The effec
t becomes severe when predictor-predictand relationships are weak, as
is often the case in climate prediction. Some basic characteristics of
this degeneracy are explored for regression-based cross-validation. S
imulations using both randomized and designed datasets indicate that t
he correlation skill score degeneracy becomes important when nearly al
l of the available sample is used to develop forecast equations for th
e remaining (very few) points, and when the predictability in the full
dependent sample falls short of the conventional requirement for stat
istical significance for the sample size. The undesirable effects can
be reduced with one of the following methodological adjustments: 1) ex
cluding more than a very small portion of the sample from the developm
ent group for each cross-validation forecast trial or 2) redefining th
e ''total available sample'' within one cross-validation exercise. A m
ore complete elimination of the effects is achieved by 1) downward adj
usting the magnitude of negative correlation skills in proportion to f
orecast amplitude, 2) regarding negative correlation skills as zero, o
r 3) using a forecast verification measure other than correlation such
as root-mean-square error. When the correlation skill score degenerac
y is acknowledged and treated appropriately, cross-validation remains
an effective and valid technique for estimating predictive skill for i
ndependent data.